Aug 31, 2018
ABOUT The Sleep Doctorâ„¢ Dr. Michael Breus
Michael J. Breus,
Ph.D., is a Clinical Psychologist and both a Diplomate of the
American Board of Sleep Medicine and a Fellow of The American
Academy of Sleep Medicine. He was one of the youngest people to
have passed the Board at age 31 and, with a specialty in...
Aug 27, 2018
This episode is brought to you by The Lifestyle Locker 45 Day Endurance Challenge... Running more without the pain of running more. A program built for runners, running a 5K or more and want to make distance easier. PDF Downloads, Video course modules and more. Check it out HERE.
Rob Vasquez is a lifestyle...
Aug 20, 2018
Tom Foxley works with functional athletes on their mindset; essentially giving athletes the thoughts which serve them instead of falling back on the same thought patterns which keep them stuck.
His athletes are of all levels: from those in their first few weeks of training to competitors at The CrossFit Games. He...
Aug 11, 2018
(Written before trip)
Life is full of opportunities. Life is full of adventure. How many times do we not take the opportunity or opt to do an adventure because of fear or anxiety over what might go wrong?
Often times adventures lead to challenges which often STRETCH your comfort zones. You mind, body, and spirit all...