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Lifestyle Locker Radio Podcast

We interview greats like Dr. Josh Axe, Ben Greenfield, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Paul Chek, Emily Fletcher and many, many more. We talk about fitness, nutrition, health, wellness, weight loss, lifestyle, meditation, sex and much more.

May 25, 2020

We love our conversations with our guests. Ryan Gottfredson whom you'll learn about in a short bit is motivated by helping people with their mindsets.  The concept of mindsets having an impact on someone's life is much bigger than a small business or big corporation.  A mindset can actually have a direct impact on your...

May 18, 2020

Learn more about how you can join a fitness community that not only cares about you moving your body but cares about your overall health. Learn about the 3 legs of health and how it applies to the 30/60/6 program and how the community helps with an overall healthy lifestyle.


May 11, 2020

Dr. Don Clum and I had an amazing conversation that spanned from simple lifestyle changes you could make to COVID 19, Vitamin D3, insulin resistance, and Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors.  I know... you are thinking what in the world?  

This is a great episode for those that want to IMPROVE health, learn a...

May 4, 2020

During crazy times when people don't know what's really going on, the best thing to do is to focus on what you can control in your life and health.  We both agree that health is an inside out job and that the only thing that heals is the body itself.  To that point, it's best to arm yourself with GOOD physical,...