Oct 28, 2019
Get the insider point of view from my crew captain, my wife, Meredith Handt.
We go into what, how, when and what we learned through this event.
This was the first 100 mile attempt. We're coming back stronger as a team and me as a runner.
There will be details on the next event when that happens!!!
Oct 21, 2019
We learn a lot by doing hard things that push us outside of our comfort zones. I realized this when knee pain which was probably an old injury snuck up on me during my first 100 mile ultra marathon.
I haven't had knee pain like this since my last 50K. I also had no signs of pain during my training for this race. I...
Oct 14, 2019
Trust the UNIVERSE,
There's always a grand plan. Some times we all forget that we put our best intentions out there and sometimes things might not happen when you want. That's alright. It happens when it's supposed to happen.
My training was like that this week. Lots of ups and downs!
Dive into this episode of...
Oct 6, 2019
False Evidence Appearing Real.
Fear is something similar to pain. I HATE it, yet it allows me to push harder and farther.
Where in your life can you use fear to your advantage? Face Everything And Rise (FEAR).
I believe in you! Do you?
- Dr. Josh Handt
Oct 2, 2019
This was a challenging week. High stress, a death, and LOW mileage.
That's it. Back at it this upcoming week.