Aug 19, 2019
Dr. Amelia Rodrock has been in practice for almost six years. Chiropractic is a second career for her. She was a massage therapist for ten years before going to chiropractic school. When Dr. Amelia started school she had never been adjusted, a client of hers told her he thought she would be good at it. At first, she wasn’t sure because of the time and money commitment. But as a single mother of two, she wanted to be able to provide for her children in a way she couldn’t at the time.
Dr. Amelia specializes in prenatal, pediatric and women’s health. She is passionate about helping women realize their true potential in health and life.
Dr. Amelia recently started a program for women who are recovering from breast implant illness. As a breast implant illness survivor, her goal is to help women heal mentally and physically from toxic breast implants, to inform the public about the potentially harmful side effects of breast implants and to help young women love themselves without getting them.
Detox ebook:
Private group, women-only:
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